A GUIDED PRACTICE FOR understanding manifestation
Manifesting 101
"respond to every call that excites your spirit" ~rumi
Manifesting seems to be this magical word all your friends are throwing about.
The truth is that “to make manifest” just means to make real and tangible in our everyday physical life.
The how is both science AND spirit.
Everything is energy. You are energy. Energy that can feel, shift, emit and CREATE.
Energetically, our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
You are a living, breathing construct of self organizing Universal intelligence.
Your personal vibrational frequency is magnetically attracted to other frequencies. Polarity and Duality are natural laws and we are expressed within them.
The infinite possibilities of our Universe mean it’s within your reach to find yourself in the middle of the life you’ve always wanted.
Or, the life that’s trying to come through you.
The key is learning how to allow reality to arrange itself around you.
Once you unlock the door, your deliberate creation can begin.
You begin to see what Is. And, all that can be.
Until then, you’re stuck in response mode. Reactive, even.
If you’re attracted to the concept of manifestation — you’re being called.
Time to make intentional choices about what to focus on, embody the energy required, and move through life with inspired action.
ONE month to manifestation mastery
A guided practice of what manifestation is at the core and fully personalized “How-to”;
+ Life mission statement
+ Intention Setting
+ Visualization and Journalling exercises
+ Custom morning or evening ritual
+ Meditations, mantras and affirmations
… probably more
1 x 60 minute intuitive coaching session
3 x 45 minute accountability sessions including visualization, grounding, gratitude
manifestation mastery power hour
A guided session covering what manifestation is at the core and creating “How-to”;
+ Life mission statement
+ Intention Setting
+ Visualization and Journalling exercises
+ Custom morning or evening ritual
+ Meditations, mantras and affirmations
1 x 90 minute intuitive coaching session