Light Leadership
a knowledge membership for lightworker leaders
cuz you’ve got your mind on your money and your money on your mind
regenerative thoughts for sustainable SHIFTS
featuring the book
You’re a Badass At Making Money
by Jen Sincero
4 x 90 Min Weekly Group Calls
Paced Reading Schedule
Group Intention Setting
Visualization + Journalling Exercises
Money Mantras
>> Accountability <<
(spoiler alert: accountability and skin in the game is what makes the magic happen)
Mondays @ 7:30pm PST on Zoom Video Call — March 2, 9, 16, 23
(Zoom replay available for unexpected absence)
Allow approx ~5 hours per week to complete reading + homework with ease
Manifesting seems to be this magical word all your friends throw about.
The truth is that “to make manifest” just means to make real and tangible in our everyday physical life.
The how is both science AND spirit and takes grounding.
Everything is energy.
You are energy. Energy that can feel, shift, emit and CREATE.
Energetically, our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.
You are a living, breathing construct of self organizing Universal intelligence.
Your personal vibrational frequency is magnetically attracted to other frequencies.
The infinite possibilities of our Universe mean it’s within your reach to find yourself smack in the middle of the life you’ve always wanted.
Or, the life that’s trying to come through you.
The key is learning how to allow reality to arrange itself around you.
Once you unlock the door, your deliberate creation can begin.
You begin to see what Is. And, all that can be.
Until then, you’re stuck in reactive mode.
Time to make intentional choices about what to focus on, embody the energy required, and move through life with inspired action.
Now let’s call in some money, honey.
PS. Unexpected delights have included opportunities, relationships, trips, tickets.…
Catch my drift?
Let’s Get It
“Jennifer facilitated with skill and grace, and pushed me to live fully and embody the energetic magic that is required to do big and important work in the world.
I healed old wounds around money, made big moves with tasks I had procrastinated with, and am moving towards my goals with renewed faith and excitement.
I sent in my book proposal, said yes to clients I love and no to misaligned ones with power, healed old patterns and manifested the exact amount of income I called in.
Thank you Jennifer for being an embodiment of grace and faith.”