The Embodied Feminine Woman Institute is now open for 2019
Being part of our inner circle means you're the first to hear about all the happenings in our corner of the Universe:
We’ve partnered with the Embodied Feminine Woman Institute for 2019!
but hurry, as our special pricing access ends jan 30th at 12:00 midnight est
We've joined forces to create your most aligned year of feminine embodiment, self love, and true love ever.
💎 For the Ladies that want Love + Partnership
We all know the age old story. Worthiness, love, and partnership are a continual theme for the feminine — but since eclipse season hit...
...WHOA, they can't stop feeling and thinking about it!
Riddled with guilt, shame, resentment, and anxiety, (just to name some of the symptoms), it always boils down to ONE singular truth as to why our business or personal life isn’t moving forward —>
Many times, our self worth is tied to lies we tell ourselves of failed relationships, men that just won't commit or your inability to attract and keep "The One"!
You're ready to dive deep into your heart and walk the beauty way to find out once and for all:
What makes a man go from elusive and non-committal to totally devoted to you?
You want Love this year and this is the final straw❣️
It's time to walk the talk and claim your worth as a High Value Woman. 👑
I’m Ready to Unlock my Feminine Energy
Be sure to head back to this page for special discounted sign-up links below!
Modern Woo followers receive 40% off!
Yes, FOR REAL. Ready? Head right to the bottom for our special discounted links.
Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
👑 👑
Have you ever met a man and felt an instant connection? It was exciting, electric and seemed "meant to be?"
He was charming, driven, in control, he seemed to have his life together, he was a perfect gentleman. He was calling consistently, excited to see you again and again... and then, after a few seemingly great dates or after 2 months of hot and heavy, things started inexplicably fading?
Without warning he stopped calling and faded out. You stood utterly confused, wondering what happened and staring at your phone wondering if you should call HIM?
The questions keep replaying around and around your mind:
Why did he do that? Was it me?
Was it something I did? Is he a jerk?
And then the incessant question: What IF?
What if you could go back and show up differently, would that have made things turn out differently?
Ouch, I know gorgeous soul. It happens all the time to smart, savvy, intelligent and put-together beautiful women.
It is amazing how one of the most important areas of our lives — love relationships — is one of the areas we know the least about.
We spend our whole lives longing for intimacy and love, yet have never been taught how attraction works and how connection and passion are sustained.
And, we know even less about how attraction works for MEN.
You see, attraction for men works VERY differently than it does for women.
Have you ever wondered if there is some kind of secret male psychology which makes a man go from elusive and non-committal to totally devoted, all-in and wanting to be THE man for the incredible woman in his life?
Or, for finally understanding why it is that everyone says you are "amazing" and you are "perfect", yet men remain unfazed, non-committal and disappear after a few great dates?
And, if you are IN a relationship - are you feeling like your man is more like a roommate than a passionate, on-fire lover that can't wait to come home to you?
He feels distant, shut down and things feel like you are doing all of the work in the relationship with very little in return?
You might think there isn't a common thread throughout all of this, a thread that leads some women to effortlessly attract incredible, quality men and have these men feel crazy about them.
A thread that has some women in their relationships with men be adored by their men who see them as Goddesses and fall head over heels in love with them, but there is.
My now friend and associate Giordana Toccaceli is a leading world expert on love, intimacy and relationships.
She has worked with thousands of women on becoming their most irresistible selves, embodying the power of their Feminine energy (which is the biggest KEY in creating deep, long-lasting attraction with men) and attracting dream love into their lives, fast.
She has also coached hundreds of men and unlike most other coaches in the field, she gets to hear directly from men all of the time on what they look for most in a woman.
Gio has now opened registration for the incredible Embodied Feminine Woman Institute.
This only happens once a year.
With such an incredibly high global demand, registration is open for six days only, as of Jan 24, and it sells at warp speed.
Inside the Institute you’ll discover the key to having a man fall deeply in love with you… or having him fall in love with you all over again.
The foundation of Gio's work is teaching you how to become a high-value, irresistible woman who effortlessly attracts high-quality men. Get ready to start this incredible experience and get more love and devotion from men than ever before without giving up your power, following any crazy rules, or playing silly head games.
Gio has led thousands of women from being single and lonely for years to attracting soul-satisfying love with men all of the time.
However, you have to unlock the secret power you have within you, your Feminine energy - that has men all around you feel an irresistible magnetic pull towards wanting to come close to you, pursue you and claim you.
I'm absolutely over the moon that the Modern Woo was selected to represent this incredible organization and the important divine feminine healing work being done here.
At the foundation of The Modern Woo, our brand mission is to provide 5D tools to enhance the 3D physical form experience for our collective. This includes deep healing, mindset shifts and limiting belief transmutation using the most advanced techniques we can get our hands on.
For our masculine counterparts to meet us in the new paradigm, we look within and heal the feminine and masculine balance of our own soul and create a harmony and magnetism he simply cannot resist.
Self Love and Self Worth are key components to cosmic expansion. When we're not embodying this energy, we're in a state of contraction.
To support the fact that Gio and her team are providing this offer at a massive 40% discount to Modern Woo clients, family and friends, we want to make sure your heart wave can pulse outwards strongly with Self Worth, and that it’s emanating exactly as your soul is intending.
That's why I'm offering —> 👑 An exclusive BONUS for Modern Woo followers 👑
💚 A Sacred Geometry Grid activated in Light Language with a SELF LOVE emanation
(valued at $999)
That's right, you read correctly. I am offering a bonus worth $1000 dollars.
If you answer the clarion call to claim your worth as a high value woman once and for all, and take leadership for your own healing, you uplevel and heal another layer of the entire divine feminine consciousness.
You are so seen and heard and I divinely download all of the transmissions being sent by your energy in every single interaction we have.
I hear the feminine plea for love and fulfilling partnership.
I hear the feminine plea for her divine counterpart.
I hear the feminine plea for embodiment of her worth.
I put a manifesting prayer out in December 2018 that universal year 3 of 2019 would bring deep healing on this level for my beautiful feminine clients that are so deserving of more - and during the first week of January my prayer was answered.
This is for You. For all of Us.
Claim what is Yours - which is truly walking in life in the beauty way.
Wings up!
I’m Ready and I’d love a Payment Plan please!
I’m Ready and All In!