Abundance Attunement

"Every story is us" ~rumi

Everything is energy. You are energy. Energy never dies, it simply transforms.

Within you lies the power to feel, embrace, heal, shift and transform your low vibration relationship with prosperity.

Energetically, our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.

You are a living, breathing construct of self organizing Universal intelligence.

Your personal attunement to an abundant state begins with your Mental Wealth.
(spoiler alert: it's a Self Worth wound, and sometimes the big old Mother Wound)

As a lightworker, you carry a carnal responsibility to understand abundance in a very deep way. This is for yourself, your family, business and legacy.

Making dreams a reality and having resources aplenty to do so means working with flow, trust, and contributing as One within ecosystems.

You are here to spread your light so others may be shown the way.

The brilliantly infinite possibilities of our Universe make it such that it's within your reach to find yourself in the middle of the life you’ve always wanted.

Imagine the crystalline clarity of uncovering the exact limiting beliefs and archetypes that are holding you back and no longer lingering in the limbo of lack.

It won't be overnight. You get it.

Instead it's a beautifully subtle shift. Day by day, belief after belief, story after story.

With accountability, and a Guide that's "been there", we will co-create and empower you to make new, powerful choices about what to focus on, embody the energy required, and imprint and encode possibilities of a new abundant reality into your mind-body.


A guided practice, including contemplative exercises and new energy encoding.
Limiting Belief review, personal mission statement, morning or evening ritual, meditations, mantras and affirmations.

1 x 60 minute intuitive coaching session
3 x 45 minute accountability sessions including visualization, grounding, gratitude
4 x Themed review Worksheets and homework for each week

+ BONUS Gift of Abundance Affirmation Cards hand-selected and mailed